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Sharing by Agape Child Care (CCK) Pte Ltd

Let's take a look at what the K1 children at Agape Child Care (CCK) Pte Ltd had learnt through their play in school.

Numeracy - One more and One Less

Children were learning to compare numbers from 1 to 10, they were introduced to the concept of “one more” and “one less”. After explaining the concepts, children were introduced to the “one more and one less” bingo game. The children sat in a circle, each of them were given a piece of bingo sheet. The children took turns to throw the dice and decide “one more” or “one less”, and everyone has to cross out the number of there is on their bingo sheet. For example, if a child throws the dice and it shows 5, the child calls out “one more than 5!”, everyone has to look for “6” and cross it out. The game was engaging and children gets faster as they play. Through the game, the children also helped each other by calling out the correct number to cross out, supporting those who needs more assistance. Through the game, children also learnt to be patient and take turns to throw the dice. Both children and teachers had fun!

Language & Literacy - Beginning blends:/Sk/, /Sm/, /Sn/ Music & Movement - Tempo: Fast / Slow

Children were learning beginning blends /Sk/, /Sm/ and /Sn/. Children were introduce to words that begins with these blends.

In this game, children were gathered into a large circle. Teacher creates different tempo with the two-tone blocks. When a tempo is being played, children have to pass the circle with these beginning blends printed on according to the tempo (i.e. if tempo is slow, children passes the circles around slowly, and vice versa). When the teacher slows playing the tempo, children have to hold onto the circle. Teacher will then call out a few children’s name, and they have to sound out the beginning blend that is printed on the circle, and list a word starts with that beginning blend.

Discovery of the World - Names and Forms of Fruits

Through the song introduced, the children learnt names of various fruits such as coconut, banana, watermelon, cherry, lemon and grapes. They attempted in expressing / showing the different fruits with their bodies.

Social - Emotional Development - Positive characters / Values Through the song, the children also learnt various character-building values such as love, joy, peace, faithfulness, kindness, gentleness and self-control.

Aesthetic & Creative Expressions

The children were introduced to the song “Fruit of the Spirit”. Children were tasked to listen to the song twice to familiarize with the song. They were then gathered in a large circle, using their creativity, children used their bodies to represent the fruits as teacher goes through the fruits that were mentioned in the song. Teacher also went through the values that were mentioned and explained. The children then suggested to write the words onto pieces of paper so that they can hold it up as they sing the song.

With that, the children were split into 2 groups - one group to represent the fruits while the other holds onto the paper with the values written on to dance with it when singing the song. Through discussions, the children came up with different ideas to perform the song and had lots of fun!

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