Sharing by AGAPE Child Care (JW) Pte Ltd
K1 children from AGAPE Child Care (JW) Pte Ltd exploring and expressing their creativity through the Aesthetic and Creative Expression lessons.
As part of their topic on Stories, the children had to create a puppet using their own handprint. Here the children are painting their own hands and printing it out to later cut it out and create a handpuppet. During the painting session, the children were seen with lots of smiles as they experienced different tinkling sensations and it as truly a learning thru play.
Children created their favourite friend using various art materials and this particular work is using foil as an element in the art. This piece has the face created using the foil and it is well illustrated. Lots of imagination is stirred when children are allowed to work on art freely.
Creating a picture poster using various shapes was the art focus in the week. Here you can see how the children used different shapes to create their posters. Choices are another effective way to promote play and creativity in art.