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Sharing by PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Keat Hong Blk 353

PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Keat Hong Blk 353 N2 children with their various play activities.

The Nursery children are playing ‘London Bridge’.

There are two kids who take the role as the bridge and the rest will form a queue to go under the bridge. The ‘bridge’ hold hands and raise their hands up. They will be singing the song, ‘London Bridge’, when the song stops the bridge will go down and trap a friend within the queue.

The N2 children are playing the ‘Counting Fish Game’. They catch the fish using the fishing rod. They will count the number of fishes they catch according to the given number. This will develop their numeracy skills in counting numbers.

The N2 children are building their buildings using the wooden blocks. This helps them to develop their imagination and problem solving skills.

The N2 children are making their own necklace using the beads and string given to them. This will develop their skills in counting and making different patterns.

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