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Sharing by PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Canberra 468D (Earth Day Edition)

A couple of weeks ago, many centres were commemorating Earth Day in their own unique way. Here we have PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Canberra 468D sharing with us on what they had done that day. Take it away!

2 weeks before the event, the children were taught the "Saving Earth Promise" Song. The K1s and K2s had created their own shakers using toilet rolls and vitagen bottles respectively.

The initial plan was to carry out the event at Botanic Garden, however it rained the whole morning. But we did not let the rain dampened our spirit! The plan changed and the event was carried out in the centre instead. Parents were invited to join the event and participated in the various activities that were prepared. Here we have the K1 Sinbad class all ready to start!

We started off the event with a performance by the children. Using their self-made musical instruments, the K2 children sang the song for their parents.

A variety of games were planned and made by the teachers using the recycled materials. Here we have the teacher-made jigsaw puzzles. The children had to work together to stack the vitagen bottles and form the picture that was given to them. Each poster represent a positive action toward saving Earth.

Before the start of the game, the teacher explained to the children the importance of saving Earth and the various ways to do so.

The children were working hard to solve their jigsaw puzzle. A backing was provided for the children to stack the vitagen onto.

The children with their completed puzzles! Well done everyone!

In this next game, the children were taught about the different conditions caused by the climate: drought, flood, haze. The balls were labelled with different pictures to represent the different effects caused by the various conditions. The children had to pick up the balls from the floor and threw it into the correct box, which was labelled with the different conditions.

Next, we have the "Passing Ball" game, in which the participants had to randomly picked one item from a bag of recycled materials. The participants had to use only the items that they had picked to pass the ball to their neighbour. It's great to see the bonding between the participants in this activity.

Another activity was getting the children to pass the rings to their peers without using their hands. The last child in the line have to toss the ring onto the bottle.

As a cooling down activity, the children were given a variety of Earth Day pictures to colour.

Did you noticed the interesting hats worn by each child? To encourage home-school partnership as well as to tie in with this year's Earth Day theme, the families were encouraged to create a hat using recycled materials. Keep a look out for the amazing hats made by the children and their families!

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