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Sharing by Agape Child Care (CCK) Pte Ltd

Let's look at what the Kindergarten 1 children at Agape Child Care (CCK) Pte Ltd learn numeracy through play! The teachers provide various materials for the children to explore with at their Numeracy as well Art and Craft learning corners.

The child is using manipulatives to measure the length of his foot.

He is learning numbers in a fun and interactive ways

by using manipulatives as a form of concrete materials.

Learning maths can be fun afterall.

The child used styrofoam as a medium of art to create a sculpture of his own.

He painted the styrofoam to create a colourful effect on his artwork.

There’s so much to explore for aesthetic and creative expression.

Another creative learner using styrofoam to explore

different medium of art instead of just painting on papers.

Two children playing at the dramatic corner making pizza for their friends.

They learnt through play and learnt to socialize with one another.

Look how happy they are!

Two children learning about numbers through play

in the Math learning corner through different materials provided.

Who says learning numbers are only through fingers.

Two children playing with blocks and LEGO at the learning corner

are being creative at doing their own creation.

Look at how focus and how engross they are, taking pride in their work.

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